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Stratus Copa de Naciones

3 participantes

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Stratus Copa de Naciones Empty Stratus Copa de Naciones

Mensaje  black_cirrus Vie Nov 08, 2013 10:25 am

¿Te acuerdás? Superturismo Sudamericano: Copa de las Nacion

El Campeonato Sudamericano de Turismo o conocido por su nombre comercial Copa de Las Naciones, fue un campeonato de automovilismo de velocidad disputado entre 1997 y 2001 que usaban automóviles de turismo del segmento D y compuesta por pilotos de Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Uruguay y Paraguay. Las marcas participantes eran Alfa Romeo, Peugeot, Opel/Chevrolet, BMW, Chrysler, Toyota y Ford, en sus modelos 155 y 156, 406, Vectra, Serie 3, Stratus, Corona y Mondeo respectivamente.

Algunos de los pilotos reconocidos que formaron parte de la categoría fueron: Ricardo Risatti II, Javier Balzano, Osvaldo y Juan Manuel López, Anibal Zaniratto, Oscar Larrauri, Emiliano Spataro, Patricio Di Palma, Oscar Fineschi, Ingo Hoffman, Miguel Angel Guerra, Juan Manuel Fangio II, Carlos Cacá Bueno, Ernesto Bessone, Pablo Peón, Daniel Belli, Gustavo Der Ohanessian, Leonel Larrauri, entre otros

Los Campeones

1997 - Oscar Larrauri (BMW 320i)
1998 - Oscar Larrauri (BMW 320i)
1999 - Carlos Bueno y Emiliano Spataro (Peugeot 406)*
2000 - Oscar Larrauri (Alfa Romeo 156)

* Se dió la particularidad de que ambos pilotos empataron en todos los criterios establecidos por el reglamento.

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Administrador Fundador

Fecha de inscripción : 05/09/2012
Edad : 36

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Stratus Copa de Naciones Empty Re: Stratus Copa de Naciones

Mensaje  black_cirrus Jue Jul 23, 2015 1:56 pm

[un poco mas de informacion ahora toca el turno de Ex-NATCC Champion: 1997 Dodge Stratus Touring Car

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This 1997 Dodge Stratus is an ex-works car that’s said to have both dominated and ultimately won the NATCC Championship in 1997. Though missing its engine, the car is otherwise largely complete and sale includes extensive original documentation including Reynard component blueprints and even the computer game whose cover and gameplay featured the car prominently. Find it here on Piston Heads in East Sussex, England for 28,500 GBP (~$44,800 today). Special thanks to BaT reader Scott S. for this submission.

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After winning the North American Touring Car Championship at the hands of David Donhaue, the car was then sold to Thomas Engstrom who drove the car in the Swedish STCC equivalent series. The current Chrysler Dealers of Sweden and Mobil 1 livery dates from that time, and in addition to the video game and technical drawings mentioned above, the car is also thoroughly documented in two included, Donahue signed NATCC yearbooks.

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una inspiracion para mi Stitch

Donahue is the son of legendary driver Mark Donahue. Here he is driving the Stratus in its original NATCC livery at Laguna Seca in 1997. We were there for that race and also saw the car race at Long Beach that year.

Overall condition appears to be quite good, and as evidenced by the largely carbon interior, Touring Cars of this era were built to very high and expensive standards, bearing relatively little resemblance to the production machines they were based upon. Both seats and harnesses in this car are FIA certified through 2020, however the glass windshield is cracked and will need replacement–side windows are Plexiglas, however the rear item is missing.

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The motor sounds to have been based on Chrysler’s standard 2.0L twin cam 16V four cylinder of the time, and though now missing, the seller has made contact with its original builder. Replicating a completely new 300 HP Touring Car spec engine from scratch has been estimated to cost between 12k and 15k GBP (~$19k-$14k), and what’s described as “most” of its Xtrac sequential gearbox is included in the sale–see the photo below.

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AP racing brakes, suspension and most other critical systems remain intact, and the seller says that a finished car should be welcome in almost any field of prestigious historic Touring Cars, further speculating it may even be illegible for Goodwood. A very cool race car from an important time in Touring Car history, we’ve never felt this way about a Dodge Stratus and may never again.
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Administrador Fundador

Fecha de inscripción : 05/09/2012
Edad : 36

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Stratus Copa de Naciones Empty Re: Stratus Copa de Naciones

Mensaje  black_cirrus Jue Jul 23, 2015 2:05 pm

by Ed Poplawski
Around 1996 a new racing series was started in the United States called “Touring Car Racing”. This series is and was very popular in Europe and involved sedan racing on road courses. Management decided to get involved in this and we had 2 cars built in house (Dodge Stratus) and we did the engine development in house also using our 2.0L engine. I was responsible for procuring all the parts needed to do this. This series lasted only about 2 years and really never caught on here. Dodge won the 1997 Championship with David Donohue driving.

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The following year (1995) Dodge got involved in the new NASCAR Craftsman Truck Racing series and this was the beginning of our return to full time NASCAR racing in 2001. In the summer of 1999 the Race Engine Group was resurrected with Ted as the Manager , I did Procurement of all parts, Dave Eovaldi was brought on for camshaft and valve train development, Neil Loughlin for cylinder block and structure development, Pat Baer did intake manifold and cylinder head design and development, Dave James was our Chief designer, and Rudy Sayn did what ever else there was to do to get an engine designed. We had a design finalized by December 1999 and we had our first engine running in May 2000 down at Everham’s race shop. This engine was the R5/P7. R5 designating the block design and P7 the head design. Eventually, besides handling all the engine parts I was responsible for many of the body parts and panels, fasteners, contracts for additional support for the teams, and other miscellaneous parts needed to go full time racing. Right before I retired we were working on the next version of our 355” NASCAR race engine which was designated the R6/P8. We had a warehouse down in Charlotte, North Carolina to store all these parts. Had the chance to go to some of the races, meet the drivers, and in general had a great time (and they paid you for this too!!).

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Administrador Fundador

Fecha de inscripción : 05/09/2012
Edad : 36

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Stratus Copa de Naciones Empty Re: Stratus Copa de Naciones

Mensaje  black_cirrus Jue Jul 23, 2015 2:29 pm

Super Touring  Stratus in the making

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The racing Stratus's body was computer designed but hand-built in Chrysler's prototype shop

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Everything is done in-house.
This is a brand new race car, whereas most of the other Touring Cars have already won races in international Touring Car Series.

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Chrysler Engineering at the Chrysler tech Center in Aurburn Hills, Michigan.

What is Super Touring?????????

It a series of mid-size sedans racing with strict rules.
25,000 examples are produced annually worldwide.
Suspension and driveline design must remain stock though components can be modified.
Engine is limited to two liters and six cylinders, and the company must produce at least 2500 units by the manufactuer.
Stock blocks and heads required, but internals can be modified.
8500rpm governor.
94 octane premium unleaded gas.
Catalytic converter required.
Sheet metal both interior and exterior must remain stock, though
small front and rear spoilers are allowed.
Minimal ground clearence- no body part can touch the pavement when when both tires on one side are deflated.

Dual fuel-injection units are used- one before the individual throttle bodies, and after.

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The 2.0 Liter uses a Super Ram Air System. To feed the 16 Valve Double Overhead Camshaft

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The Stratus Super Tourning Car has have 14.9-inch vented rotors. The rear discs use 10.9-inch rotors are solid.

A pair of AP twin-piston calipers-one leading, one trailing-with Carbon Fiber brake pads stop the Stratus.

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The Stratus in the pits uses on board air jacks. The reason being of the ground cleareance of the Stratus.

The Red Stratus Super Touring Car

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WTRAC six-speed sequential gearbox: Drivers spin the AP 5.5-inch three plate carbon clutch on the start but afterward, under power, its just up and down the gear set.

A Caldwell 8-quart oil system is used to keep oil circulating with fuel stored in a ATL fuel cell

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Series Spec Michelin
Pilot 19-inch tires run on 19x8 1/4-inch OZ quick release rims

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Sparco wheel and seat is custom fit the to driver.
Pi System 4+ telementry systems for gauges

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A fire suppression system, and a rollcage to protect the driver.

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The Yellow Super Touring Stratus

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Dodges new weapon of the 1997 season. The 2150-pound, sequential-six-speed 280 horsepower Dodge Stratus Super Touring Sedan.

A Stock Stratus ES
has 11.1 inch vented front discs. The rears are drums (why I do not know a ES should  come with discs)

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Transmission- Cost
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OZ 19x 8.2-inch wide rims are used for the new Super Tourning Stratus

Power assisted rack and pinion
1.5 turns to lock, versus 3.1 for the Stock Stratus ES.

Stratus available motors
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Administrador Fundador

Fecha de inscripción : 05/09/2012
Edad : 36

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Stratus Copa de Naciones Empty Re: Stratus Copa de Naciones

Mensaje  Black Wolf Jue Jul 23, 2015 2:43 pm


Que buena información
Black Wolf
Black Wolf
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Administrador Fundador

Fecha de inscripción : 06/09/2012
Edad : 50

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Stratus Copa de Naciones Empty Re: Stratus Copa de Naciones

Mensaje  Yaomg1782 Sáb Jul 25, 2015 9:54 pm

Muy buena información y aportación Daniel
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Administrador Fundador

Fecha de inscripción : 11/09/2012
Edad : 42

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Stratus Copa de Naciones Empty Re: Stratus Copa de Naciones

Mensaje  Contenido patrocinado

Contenido patrocinado

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